Two models photography workshop report

It’s been a very interesting workshop. Thanks to all the participants.
We did a great job. We worked with two models, which is much more demanding environment.
The main task was to follow the preliminary design of the pictorial. I think everybody coped with this problem.
Of course, we had some issues, and not everybody managed to deal with the composition of two person and with difficult lighting conditions.
But, after all, this is the reason why you come to workshop, to develop the skills!
The group worked together, all helped each other with the reflectors(and even with occasional roles in the frame) and cheering each other.
The resulting pictorials are below.

Special thanks to our wonderful models Masha and Ryon for artistry and patience.

Yael pictures :

Photography courses and workshops - Yael (1) Photography courses and workshops - Yael (2) Photography courses and workshops - Yael (3)


John pictures:

Photography courses and workshops - John (1) Photography courses and workshops - John (2) Photography courses and workshops - John (3)

  • Posted by Polina Fedorova
  • On December 16, 2011


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