Jayesh is 42 years old. First time she and her husband heard about surrogacy on TV, and then an agent came to their village. They considered his offer for a month and then made the decision. Yes, they do need the money and they wish to buy their own house instead of renting. But aside from the money matters it is very important for them to partake in someone else's wellbeing. They talked over these matters a lot, and came to conclusion that surrogacy is a good thing. Jayesh is carrying twins for a Japanese family. They came here and wished very much to communicate but the language barrier has turned to be a big problem. Jayesh and her husband are getting ready to part with the newborns but they know it would be difficult. Jayesh would like to breast-feed them but she realizes it would make it even more difficult to give them away. They have decided to keep everything secret because people in their village might accuse them of selling their child. Jayesh and her husband are Hindus and they have one son of their own who is 11.